Kara Walker is a contemporary artist who was born in 1969. She had noteworthy paintings that depict race, gender, violence, sexuality, and personal identity. Kara wanted to show the world that these ills exist in American society, and they should try to sort them out. Her command of contemporary art is splendid as she depicts daily life issues on canvas. Few notable American contemporary and urban artists are Tristan Eaton, Mark Jenkins, Richard Colman, Mike Giant, Wes Lang, Keith Haring, and Takashi Murakami. Many artists today continue the graffiti movement as street artists. Triston Eaton drew Graham Bell in Florida on a wall, Cleon Peterson drew another mural in Los Angeles and another mural of "American needs brains" by Triston Eaton in California. These street artists are working on street murals to gain popularity and spread their message. They aim to continue the legacy of their teachers Basquiat and Haring.
Artists today and throughout history greatly impact society. Their artwork influences how people think, teach principles, and translates skills across time and place. As per studies, art affects an individual's core sense of personality. Sculptures, painting, and other forms of expression are at times regarded as the warehouse of the community's shared memory. The things that can be captured by art cannot be captured by historical accounts. It provides a perspective of how it felt to be in a particular location at a specific time. This aspect is a kind of communication that allows individuals from many cultures and eras to connect through pictures, sounds, and tales. In contemporary society, art is often used to bring about public change. It can provide the few who are socially or politically isolated a voice.